Espasol a la luz (sweet rice flour cake or pudding)

Espasol a la Luz (Sweet Rice Flour Cake or Pudding)
4 servings
Very Easy
1 hour



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Preparation35 min
Cook time25 min
  • In making espasol, the first step is to toast the flour.
  • In large pan over low heat place the flour and dry cook with continuous stirring.
  • Continue toasting until it turns to light brown in color. Sieve the toasted flour using a fine strainer then set aside.
  • In a large deep casserole over medium heat, combine the 3 milk ingredients; condensed, evaporated and coconut milk. Bring to a boil and cook while stirring. Add in macapuno or coconut sport string and continue cooking.
  • Slowly fold in toasted flour, reserving about ½ cup for dusting. Continue cooking with regular stirring until the mixture has really thickened and became very sticky. Allow to cool it down.
  • In the meantime, dust the bottom of a wide pan with half of the reserved toasted flour. Transfer the slightly cooled mixture to the pan and meticulously flatten to regular thick pudding.
  • Dust the top surface with the remaining toasted flour. Slice the espasol into 2 inches squares or to any shapes and sizes you desired.
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