Naankhatai (cardamom flavoured indian cookies)

Naankhatai (Cardamom flavoured Indian Cookies)
4 servings
Very Easy
30 min

Have been seeing a lot of recipes for Naankhatai all over the blogosphere but somehow the one that caught my attention was this particular one in Magpies space as she suggested using whole wheat flour. The best thing about these cookies is that they use very little ingredients and even my 4 yr old can make it all by herself.



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Preparation15 min
Cook time15 min
  • Preheat oven to 177 degree C/ 350 degree F
    Mix together flour, salt, nuts and powdered cardamom.
    Cream the butter using a spatula/hand mixer/ stand mixer (you don't really need any mixers). Add sugar and mix this well with the butter.
  • Tip in dry ingredients and using your finger tips knead this until the dough just comes together.
    If your dough is too dry, like mine was, add around 1 tbsp milk and knead, your dough will come together.
    You may shape your dough into small balls or use a tbsp measuring spoon to shape your cookies into semi-spheres.
  • Place your cookie doughs on an ungreased and unlined baking sheet and bake for around 10-15 mins or till the edges of the cookies starts to brown.
  • Remove from oven and leave the cookies to cool completely before serving.
    These cookies have an amazing and intoxicating cardamom flavour and they make a perfect bite with tea or coffee. And a little warning....... they can get slightly addictive!!!
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Looking So yummy . But not for the dieting people like me.

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Healthy, 'cause of wheat flour instead of Maida.

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Wow, in these days of health conscious lot using atta was welcome

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Very easy n yummy

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Mishapratheesh, 06/02/2013

Perfect and lovely

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