Sugar river cheese co.

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Sugar River Cheese Co.
Main Dish
4 servings
Very Easy
35 min




Preparation15 min
Cook time20 min
  • In a medium size pot pour in water to two thirds height. Add the penne and cook until it is al dente.
  • Pour the oil into a medium shallow pan. Sauté the chopped garlic and onions.
  • Add the tomatoes when the above show some golden brown. After 30 seconds add the zucchini and mushrooms.
  • Let it all cook for 1 minute and add basil and parsley. Take off fire after 2 more minutes. Add mixture to drained penne.
  • Cut the Sugar River White Cheddar with Roasted Garlic and Green Onion into small cubes. Add the cubes into the mixed penne and vegetable.
  • Continue mixing until cheese is mostly melted. Sprinkle with shavings of Sugar River Parmesan. Serve while still hot.
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