Cherry bomb ice cream loaf

8 servings
15 min



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  • Line your loaf pan with plastic wrap - enough to wrap over the top.
  • Sprinkle 2 T graham cracker crumbs on the bottom. Add a swirly design of chocolate and add sprinkles if desired.
  • Add 2 cups softened ice cream and gently press and spread over the crumbs. I used a large, flat spatula very carefully.
  • Repeat layers adding in the mini-marshmallows and 2 T mini chocolate chips. Add the next 2 cups ice cream. Again, flatten and spread evenly.
  • Repeat step 4 again. You may have a small amount of ice-cream left that you can add to the top.
  • Fold plastic wrap over the top and fold neatly and then smooth the top flat. Cover with foil and freeze 4 to 12 hours.
  • To serve, thaw a few minutes on your counter top. Carefully, unfold the plastic wrap making sure not to leave any pieces behind. Place a flat tray on top of the loaf pan. Carefully invert the loaf over and gently release the ice-cream loaf. Remove the plastic wrap. Run a large knife under hot water and slice. Serve with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, candies, etc...


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