Magical Color Changing Drinks

We had a Halloween Fall festival at our house last night with some youth from our church and I thought it would be fun to do something a little different with the drink. After surfing the web for ideas here is what I came up with:

Kids will stare wide-eyed as they watch clear water or soda transform into a vibrant color? must be magic!
What you?ll need: Plastic party cups, food coloring, ice, and any clear drink (I used Sprite, Fresca and Ginger Ale).
Place 2 to 3 drops of food coloring at the bottom of each party cup and let dry. Just before serving the drinks, fill each cup with ice to hide the food coloring. While each child watches, pour the drink over the ice, and the clear water or soda will ?magically? turn into a color as it fills their cup! Use different colors of food coloring so that the kids won?t know what color to expect from their ?magic? soda.
For another fun twist you could add a ?fortune telling? element to the drinks by assigning a meaning to each color and displaying the different meanings on a small sign near the soda. For example, purple = royalty, green = wealth, yellow = long life. Whichever color each guest?s soda turns also predicts their personal ?fortune.? Enjoy! :)
Day to Day with Holly J
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I wish I found out about this long ago! It's great!
i cooked this recipe
Thanks so much. I already have so many awesome ideas with this.
i cooked this recipe
If I use a cup that is black at the bottom and let the coloring dry I wonder if the ice is a must.
Awesome idea. Can't wait to try this at my daughters frozen birthday party..
So cool! Can't wait to try this for my lil ones magical birthday party