Recipes on Petitchef

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Articles Petitchef

Alternatives to refined white sugar: what options for a healthier diet?

Alternatives to refined white sugar: what options for a healthier diet?

Refined white sugar, though ubiquitous in our diet, is not without its health hazards. In addition to promoting blood sugar peaks and causing problems such as obesity and diabetes, it is devoid of essential nutrients. Fortunately, there are many natural alternatives for sweetening our dishes while taking care of our health. Here are a few to discover! :-)

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Energy drinks: the truth that young people should know

Energy drinks: the truth that young people should know

Energy drinks have become a real phenomenon, especially among young people. But behind those colorful cans are side effects that not everyone knows about. Let's find out together why it's important not to abuse them!

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Tips and tricks to keep cookies fresh longer

Tips and tricks to keep cookies fresh longer

We've all experienced the frustration of seeing them lose their freshness in a short time. Keeping your cookies perfect, as if they had just come out of the oven, will no longer be a mystery to you. In this article, we are going to tell you the tricks and secrets to keep your cookies delicious and fresh for longer.

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Here are the best sources of vegetable protein

Here are the best sources of vegetable protein

With the rise of vegetarian, vegan and flexitarian diets, the question of plant proteins has become increasingly central for those seeking to reduce or eliminate animal products. But don't panic! Plant proteins are plentiful and varied, and they provide optimal nutritional intake, while adding flavors and textures...

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Eat better: Top 5 magnesium-rich foods to revitalize your body and mind

Eat better: Top 5 magnesium-rich foods to revitalize your body and mind

Do you remember the periodic table with the chemical elements? Well, magnesium is number 12. This mineral is essential for our body to function properly, participating in a multitude of physiological processes. Its deficiency can have undesirable effects on our health. Do you feel fatigue, muscle weakness? You may be lacking magnesium.

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How to unclog the kitchen sink: practical and effective tips

How to unclog the kitchen sink: practical and effective tips

Who hasn't come across that clogged kitchen sink, causing inconvenience and disrupting their routine? The good news is that, in most cases, it's possible to solve this problem quickly and simply, using products you probably already have at home.

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Foolproof tips for getting food and drink stains out of your clothes!

Foolproof tips for getting food and drink stains out of your clothes!

Food stains can be a real nightmare for anyone, whether on clothes, carpets or other fabrics. But don't despair: with the right techniques, you can remove most food stains, leaving your garments looking as good as new.

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Chicken or turkey? All the differences you need to know!

Chicken or turkey? All the differences you need to know!

Chicken and turkey, two foods rich in protein, low in fat and ideal for balanced diets. But which to choose between the two? What are the differences and reasons for preferring one over the other? Let's find out together.

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Around the world in 6 emblematic potato recipes

Around the world in 6 emblematic potato recipes

The potato is a humble but tremendously versatile ingredient; it is probably, together with rice, the most versatile food in gastronomy. That is why, many of the traditional recipes around the world use it as a base for their most emblematic elaborations. Join us in this trip around the world in 6 emblematic recipes with potato.

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Season recipes