Something local - tortellini? tagliatelle? no, gramigna!

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Main Dish
2 servings
Very Easy
35 min



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Preparation10 min
Cook time25 min
  • Saute finely chopped onion with oil in a skillet until translucent.
  • Remove the casing from the sausage, crumble it and add to the onion.
  • Stirfry for a few minutes until sausage is all nice pink colour.
  • Add white wine, stir and cook until all wine has evaporated.
  • Don't let it get too dry, add a tablespoon of water from pasta if necessary. You can add cooking cream at this point if you wish.
  • Cook pasta in salty water until al dente.
  • Drain and add to the skillet. Toss it with salsiccia and serve immediately.


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