Matar keema (spicy sauted minced meat and peas)

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Matar Keema (Spicy sauted Minced meat and peas)
Main Dish
2 servings
Very Easy
35 min




Preparation15 min
Cook time20 min
  • Heat oil in a pressure pan, add the whole garam masala and fry till the aroma rises.
  • Add the onions, minced chicken, ginger and garlic saute for few minutes. Now add the tomatoes and rest of the powdered ingredients.
  • Add little water and pressure cook the minced chicken for 5 minutes or for a whistle.
  • Open the lid, add the peas to the minced chicken mixture and fry till the mixture becomes dry.
  • Garinsh with mint and cilantro.
  • Serve hot with Indian breads.
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