Purple yam kulfi (indian ice cream)

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Purple Yam Kulfi (Indian Ice Cream)
2 servings
Very Easy
40 min



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Preparation20 min
Cook time20 min
  • Chop the yams in smaller pieces for faster cooking time. Boil until soft enough to mash. Boil unpeeled. Peeling will be easier after boiling and will minimize color loss.
  • Use a strainer when you discard the water as there will be quite a bit of dirt and sediment left in the liquid.
  • Peel the yams before, boil them. If you're going to do this, peel and wash the yams thoroughly. The water will look like the photo below. You don't want any dirt and sediment in the yam water.
  • Kulfi:Mix the cornflour with the milk and set aside. In a saucepan, heat the evaporated milk and bring to the boil. Add the condensed milk, double cream, cornflour mixture.
  • Stir well for one minute. Remove from the heat. Allow to cool slightly. Place the creamy mixture and yam in a food processor and blend for a couple of minutes to smooth out any lumps.
  • Pour into a plastic container with a lid and freeze for at least six hours or overnight until the ice cream is quite firm. The ice cream is quite rich so two small scoops for one person is ample.


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