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Here's the recipe:
Cook the following ingredients together for 5 minutes:
454 gm. pack of frozen grated cooked ube (purple yam)
1 410 gm.tin of evaporated milk
3/4 c. sugar
1 tbsp. butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla
red and blue food colouring
You only need half of this mixture for the ice cream. You can eat the rest as is or freeze for future use. For the ube ice cream you'll need:
1/2 of the cooked ube jam
300 mls. tub of double cream
1 c. condensed milk
1 c. fresh milk
Use a blender or hand blender to mix all of the ingredients. Transfer to a plastic tub and set aside in the refrigerator.
For the pastillas de leche ripple, you'll need:
2 c. fresh milk
1/2 c. white sugar
2 1/2 c. powdered milk
2 tbsps. butter
Heat up the milk and sugar in a pan. Add the butter. Take off the heat as soon as the butter melts. Add the powdered milk and stir until smooth. Refrigerate.
I used a Cuisinart Ice Cream maker for this. You have to freeze the tub of the ice cream maker overnight. It is better to make the ube ice cream mixture and pastillas de leche ripple the day before and refrigerate so that everything is very cold when you put them in the ice cream maker. Start the machine and pour in the pastillas de leche ripple. Let this thicken for about 20 minutes. This will not fluff up like ice cream. It will be thick and fudgy. Transfer this to a container and leave in the freezer as you churn the ubeice cream. You don't need to wash the tub. Pour the ubeice cream mixture in and run the machine for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is very thick and fluffy. Get a container and put a few scoops of ube ice cream in. Add a few dollops pastillasin. Add more ubeice cream. Repeat the layers until all the ice cream is in the container. With a butter knife, make a few gentle swirls in the ice cream. Freeze for a few hours to set.
If you don't have an ice cream maker, you will have to whisk the ube ice cream mixture and pastillas de leche ripple separately with an electric mixer. Freeze. After a few hours, whisk again to break up any ice particles. Repeat the process until the mixture is evenly fluffy and nearly set. Then layer them and swirl with a butter knife. Freeze to set.

Kath ? http://www.acupcakeortwo.com/
Trisha ? http://sugarlace.com/
Trissa ? http://trissalicious.com/
Olive ? http://www.latestrecipes.net/
Caroline ? http://whenadobometfeijoada.blogspot.com/
Ninette ? http://bigboldbeautifulfood.blogspot.com/
Peach- http://www.thepeachkitchen.com/
Althea- http://www.busogsarap.com/
Asha ? http://forkspoonnknife.blogspot.com/
Malou ? http://www.skiptomalou.net/
Cherrie ? http://sweetcherriepie.blogspot.com/
Acdee ? http://acdee.blogspot.com/
Valerie ? http://www.acanadianfoodie.com/
Sheryl ? http://crispywaffle.com/
Divina ? http://www.sense-serendipity.com/
Anna ? http://www.anniesfoodjournal.blogspot.com/
Dahlia ? http://www.energychef.blogspot.com/
Joy ? http://joyjoycreativeoutlet.blogspot.com/
Maribel ? http://www.foodgeek.webs.com/
Jen ? http://www.jen-at-work.blogspot.com/
Pia ? http://bisayajudkaayo.blogspot.com/
Malaka ? http://thegrandinternational.com/.
Mimi ? http://lapinchecocinera.blogspot.com/
Erika ? http://ivoryhut.com/
Kat ? http://twitter.com/alanokat
Lala ? http://thislittlepiggywenttothemarket.blogspot.com/
Selfie ? http://eats.sefiebee.com/
Connie Veneracion - http://homecookingrocks.com/
Oggi - http://oggi-icandothat.blogspot.com/
Katrina Kostik - http://lardonmyfrench.blogspot.com/
Rochelle Ryan - http://www.whydiss.blogspot.com/
Marica ? http://cuppycreme.blogspot.com/
Diona ? http://titaflips.blogspot.com/
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Theodore ? http://chefbyday.wordpress.com/
Gianna ? http://the-empty-fridge.blogspot.com/
Mireille ? http://dirtyicecreaminyourlunchbox.blogspot.com/
Marishka ? http://rishka.multiply.com/
Annapet ? http://moonglowgardens.wordpress.com/
Day - www.chefbyday.wordpress.com
Lissa - www.beinglease.com
Adora - http://www.adorasbox.net
Marvs - www.eatmarvin.com
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