8 ways to recycle your used tea bags

Wednesday 17 May 2017 15:05
8 ways to recycle your used tea bags
Tea has a lot of benefits for your health and your body. But not only as a drink! Here are some ways to recycle used tea bags, green and healthy.

1. Take the stink out of your shoes

Put 2 or 3 used and dry tea bags in each shoe for a few days: the flavours will perfume them and mask the stink out of them!

2. Say bye to your eye circles

You are tired, the days are too busy and the nights too short? Here is a solution! Put 2 used tea bags, warm and wet on your eyes for 15 minutes. It will relax them and lessen the circles.

3. Take a relaxing bath

Put in your hot bath 5 to 6 green tea bags. Not only the delicate scent of tea will soothe you, but its virtues are great to get a smooth and dashing skin.

4. Tenderizing meat

The known properties of tea can have an effect on meat! And also bring new tastes to it. To have the perfect meat, let it marinate in black tea for a few hours before cooking it.

5. Deodorize your hands

When you peel an onion or a garlic clove, you always keep the smell on your hands, even after washing them over and over? To take this smell off, rub your hands with used tea bags, even the more repelling smells won't resist!

6. Take ashes stain out

If you want to clean your fire place, or your ashtray, wet tea leaves will absorb the ash, and ease your way into cleaning!

7. Prevent acne

We already told you that tea is good for the skin. It goes the same way with acne! Put a wet tea bag on a pimple, it will calm its rash.

8. Fix a broken nail

To break a nail is really annoying, especially if you just got a manucure. Don't panic! First, apply some clear nail polish on your nail, then cut a square in a tea bag, and stick it on your nail. Apply a second layer of nail polish, then polish to give your nail a natural form. Once it is fixed, apply coloured nail polish on it. There you are!


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Anil Anand, 03/07/2017

Excellent information

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