Human foods that are good for cats: which ones are safe?

Who can resist those pleading eyes when your cat watches you enjoy your meal? While their food curiosity can be adorable, it's essential to know which human foods are suitable for them to eat. To help you make sense of it all, here's a handy guide to what to share (or not) with your beloved feline:
1. Cooked meats
Chicken, turkey, beef, lamb... Cats love these lean, protein-rich meats!
But be careful: they must be well cooked, without bones or skin, and plain (no salt or spices).
2. Cooked fish
Fish is an excellent source of omega-3, beneficial for your cat's coat and general health. Cooked and boneless tuna, salmon or cod can be a tasty option.
But avoid raw fish, which may contain parasites.
3. Boiled eggs
Did you know that eggs are a good source of protein for cats? Scrambled or boiled, they can be served in small quantities, but never raw because of the risk of salmonellosis, just like humans!
4. Wholegrain cereals
Brown rice, oats, couscous or quinoa: these cereals are easy to digest and provide useful fiber. A small portion is enough to please them!
5. Certain vegetables
Although cats are strict carnivores, some cooked vegetables (such as carrots, zucchini, broccoli, asparagus or peas) can be offered as a light snack!
6. Some fruits
Fruits such as seedless watermelon, peeled apples, bananas and blueberries are safe options. Their high vitamin and fiber content can be beneficial, but be sure to limit their quantity.
Human foods to be avoided at all costs
Some foods can be toxic or even fatal for cats. Here's a list of those to be avoided at all costs:
- Dairy products: despite the cliché of the milk-drinking cat, many felines are lactose intolerant.
- Chocolate: even a small amount can be toxic.
- Grapes and raisins: can cause serious kidney problems.
- Onions, garlic and chives: these ingredients are dangerous, even in small quantities.
- Caffeine: coffee, tea and soft drinks are strictly forbidden.
- Sweeteners such as xylitol: found in chewing gum and certain sweets, they are highly toxic.
- Alcohol and foods containing it: dangerous for the liver and nervous system.
A few tips for a balanced diet
Although some human foods can be safe, they should remain the exception. Cat food offers everything your pet needs for good health. If in doubt, consult your vet before diversifying your cat's diet.
In short, it's possible to share a little pleasure with your cat, as long as you know which foods are allowed and offer them in moderation :)
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