Flan bressilliene

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Flan Bressilliene
8 servings
1 h 10 m



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Preparation25 min
Cook time45 min
  • Take a high cake form
    put the puff pastry in it
    prick little whole in it
    bake it for about 5 minutes in the oven
    whipe up the egg yolk with the half of the sugar
    mix with the flower
    add the milk

    whipe the egg white with the rest of the sugar
    mix this with the batter

    poor everything in the cake form
    bake it for 45 minutes in the oven at 170C°

    when the cake is cold:
    whipe the cream with 1 table spoon sugar
    spread the cream over the cake
    poor the walnuts over the cake

    !!!! keep this cake in the fridge !!!!


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