Pudding recipes - page 6
134 recipes

EXPRESS INDIAN RICE PUDDING ... with 3 ingredients!
T his Easter was very special for us. Even though it's our second Easter together, it's my first one where I am cooking everything.I was in charge of the kitchen and like to be in charge of my kitchen, only mine though :-) Planning was in progress from

Eggless Chocolate Pudding
Once I saw the recipe in 2-3 blogs, I wanted to make it right away as the ingredients were simple and I had it in hand too. My search for a simple eggless butterless chocolate pudding ends here and am sure its my keeper. How about urs?! :)

Banana Pudding Cupcakes
Oh my goodness, words cannot describe how amazing these cupcakes are. I must give credit where credit is due and thank Monique from Yes, Divas Can Cook for this amazing recipe. You know it's bad for you when you have to take a moment of silence to tha

Chocolate Nutella Bread Pudding
I think I'm addicted to Nutella... all I can think of making are desserts with Nutella! And... here's another one: Chocolate Nutella Bread Pudding. I've never made bread and butter pudding before, so this is my first time. A normal bread and but

Light Custard Pudding with Lady Fingers & Bananas
This dessert dish is for all the banana lovers. Usually banana bread is on the list to be made but we wanted something light, fluffy and creamy after lunch so I said why not banana pudding. I created custard cream with cinnamon and all spice. In the pantr

Capirotada (Mexican Bread Pudding)
Today is Ash Wednesday, and so begins Lent. Lent is the 40-day (excluding Sundays) season that precedes Easter. On Ash Wednesday and all Fridays throughout Lent, most people fast and abstain from eating meat. The most popular food we eat during Lent is

Warm Chocolate Raspberry Pudding Cake
Happy March! February flew by and I am hoping March does the same. Now that March is here it means we are closer and closer to the wonders of spring and summer. I can't wait until the Farmer's Market in my town starts back up so I can bring loads of fresh

Kewra Kheer-Aromatic Rice Pudding With Screw Pine Water & Foxnuts
Kewra Jal or Screwpine water is used to flavor a lot indian curries, biryanis ,drinks and desserts particularly those which are milk based.It is also used in lot of indian sweets made out of squashes and dried milk.Drinks prepared with Kewra are said

Baked Rice Pudding
The online world is a funny place, isn t it? I have an online friend called Vi. I met Vi years ago in an online forum for people who wanted to share ideas and recipes about canning and preserving food. Vi was a regular poster in the group for a long time,

Rava Kesari (Semolina Pudding)
One of the most basic and loved sweets in the whole of India Semolina Pudding. The North Indians refer to it as Sooji or Suji Halwa while the South Indians know it as Rava Kesari or simply Kesari. As I mentioned, it is one of the simplest sweets to

Soul Food Success: Fried Chicken, Sweet Potato Wedges, Corn Pudding
As promised, following up from last weekend, here are the results of the Mother s Day soul food feast. I think the pictures practically speak for themselves. The food was a triumph! The only problem now is that since I know how very easy it is to make per

Pineapple Sheera
Pineapple sheera! Yum! One of my most favourite sweet dishes. Well, I have posted the recipe for sheera twice already but I was simply compelled to write another recipe again, adding pineapple chunks this time. Sheera is something I remember eating as a c

Exploring the Romance of Bengali Sweets with J. Haldar
Haldar, J.1921. Bengal Sweets. Calcutta: Chuckervertty, Chatterjee Co. Ltd. Anybody interested in food history in general and sweet history in particular would know about Bipradas Mukhodhyay’s work Mistanna Pak ( a two-volume set on sweets in Beng

Fruity Soy Agar Agar
So happy with this agar agar as each layer stick to each other without falling off after unmoulding :D To ensure the layers are adhered well, just use a fork to 'scratch' the surface (after slightly harden) before pouring over a new layer of liquid :D Can