Complementary feeding: Myths and realities that parents need to know

Complementary feeding (CF) marks a key moment in the development of babies. As mothers, it is common to hear well-intentioned phrases and advice passed down from generation to generation. However, many of these recommendations are based on tradition and do not always coincide with current advice from nutritionists and pediatricians. Here are some of the phrases we hear most often and we debunk some of the most common myths. In addition, we offer information based on scientific evidence and official recommendations so that you don't fall into them simply because of lack of information.
"Put a little bit of salt on it for more flavor."
Adding salt to baby food is not recommended, and here are the reasons why:
- The kidneys of a baby under one year old are not ready to process sodium in large amounts, which could contribute to long-term kidney and cardiovascular problems.
- Babies are predisposed to enjoy the natural flavors of foods.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation is clear: avoid salt until 12 months of age. After this stage, its use should be limited, keeping consumption below the recommended levels for the age. You can read more in the WHO guide.
"A little sugar is harmless."
While occasional small amounts are not dangerous, it is important to prevent infants from developing an early preference for sweetness. Frequent consumption of sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay, overweight, insulin resistance and obesity. In addition, many foods already contain natural sugars (fruits, milk), sufficient to meet the energy needs of young children. The Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) offers more information on the risks of excess sugar in its guide on infant feeding.
"Children prefer sweet by nature."
It is true that babies have an innate predisposition towards sweet tastes, since breast milk or formula milk is sweet. However, this does not mean that they should consume more sugary foods. The palate is educated from infancy, and it is essential to offer a wide variety of flavors from the beginning of complementary feeding. This helps them to accept other less sweet tastes, such as vegetables.
"If he refuses food, he doesn't like it."
This myth can lead to frustration and early discontinuation of the introduction of new foods. It is normal for babies to need time to adjust. According to studies, a baby may need to try a food up to 15 times before accepting it. The key is not to give up and keep offering the food in a positive, non-forcing way.
"Complementary feeding should start at exactly 6 months."
Although the general recommendation is to start CF at around 6 months, the most important thing is that the baby shows clear signs of readiness. These signs include:
- Sitting up with minimal support.
- Showing interest in food (trying to pick it up).
- Having lost the extrusion reflex (pushing food out with the tongue automatically).
For premature infants, it is essential that the introduction of solid foods be adjusted to their corrected age and development. Do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician to start complementary feeding.

"Allergenic foods should be avoided until you are older."
Current evidence, such as that collected by the Spanish Society of Clinical Immunology and Pediatric Allergy (SEICAP), suggests that introducing allergenic foods (such as egg, peanuts or fish) early, once CA is initiated, can reduce the risk of developing allergies. This should be done under the supervision of the pediatrician, especially if there is a family history of allergies.
"Give him cereal to make him sleep better."
There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In addition, offering solid foods before 6 months, or before the baby is ready, may increase the risk of choking, digestive problems and obesity. The quality of infants' sleep depends on multiple factors, not just feeding.
"It's best to lengthen purees until after the first year."
Purees can be an initial way to introduce foods, but should not be continued beyond 8-10 months as the only texture. From this age, infants need lumpy or solid foods to develop chewing skills and become accustomed to different textures. Delaying this transition can make it difficult for them to accept solid foods later on. Learn more about how to offer solid foods (what foods can I introduce based on my baby's age, cooking, allergens, cutting, etc.) to your baby before starting this stage.
"Honey is safe because it is natural."
It is essential to avoid honey in children under one year of age. Honey may contain spores of Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that causes infant botulism, a serious disease that can cause muscle paralysis and put our baby's life at risk.
"Legumes cause gas and should not be given at night."
This is a common myth, but it is unfounded. Well-cooked legumes are an excellent source of protein and fiber and can be offered as early as 6 months of age. The key is to cook them properly to facilitate digestion. There are no time restrictions for their consumption.
So that...
Complementary feeding is an exciting stage in which we can help our children develop healthy habits that will accompany them throughout their lives. Basing our decisions on scientific evidence and consulting with the pediatrician in case of doubts is key to guarantee the health and well-being of our little ones.
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