Gastritis: 9 foods and drinks to absolutely avoid!

Monday 27 January 2025 10:01
Gastritis: 9 foods and drinks to absolutely avoid!

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that can cause abdominal pain, burning, nausea and a general feeling of discomfort. This condition can be aggravated or triggered by poor nutrition, making it essential to pay attention to the foods we consume. For those with gastritis, some foods can further irritate the stomach lining, intensifying symptoms. Below, we present 8 foods and drinks to avoid to safeguard your stomach health.

1. Spicy foods

Consumption of spicy foods, such as chilies and intense spices, can irritate the gastric mucosa and aggravate the inflammatory state. Excessive intake of very spicy foods stimulates the production of gastric acid, intensifying the symptoms of gastritis and causing burning and pain in the stomach.

2. Fatty and fried foods

Foods high in saturated fat, such as fried foods, fast food and particularly fatty dishes, are difficult to digest and can irritate the stomach. These foods tend to slow gastric emptying, promoting acid reflux and aggravating gastritis symptoms, as well as contributing to increased inflammation.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol is among the major stomach irritants, as it can damage the gastric mucosa and promote excessive acid production. Consuming alcohol during an episode of gastritis can intensify pain and aggravate inflammation. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid it altogether or drastically reduce its consumption.

4. Carbonated drinks.

Carbonated beverages, such as soft drinks and soda, can cause bloating and increase pressure in the stomach, aggravating the symptoms of gastritis. In addition, the presence of bubbles can promote acid reflux, causing further irritation of the gastric mucosa. For this reason, it is preferable to opt for natural and gas-free drinks.

5. Coffee and other caffeinated beverages

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages, such as tea and energy drinks, can stimulate the production of gastric acid. Excessive consumption of these beverages is likely to irritate the stomach lining, aggravating gastritis symptoms. Excessively hot drinks can also promote increased inflammation.

6. Citrus fruits (also juices)

Fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits, along with their juices, can irritate the stomach lining due to their high citric acid content. Although citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, it is advisable to avoid their consumption if you have gastritis, as they can promote acid reflux and intensify the burning sensation.

7. Chocolate

Chocolate, while delicious, contains theobromine, a substance that can relax the lower esophageal muscle, contributing to acid reflux. It is also high in sugar and fat, elements that can slow digestion and irritate the stomach. For those with gastritis, it is advisable to limit its consumption or avoid it altogether.

8. Raw onions and garlic

Raw onions and garlic are known for their healthful properties, but when consumed alone or in large quantities, they can be too pungent and irritating to the gastric mucosa. These foods, especially raw, can stimulate gas production, increase intra-gastric pressure and promote acid reflux. For those with gastritis, it is preferable to cook foods to reduce their potential irritating effect or, alternatively, limit their consumption.

9. Whole milk products

Full-fat dairy products, such as whole milk, full-fat cheeses, and cream, can be difficult for gastritis sufferers to digest because they promote increased gastric acid production, thus exacerbating inflammation of the gastric mucosa. To avoid complications, it is advisable to choose low-fat dairy products or, if tolerated, to opt for plant-based alternatives such as almond, soy or oat milk.

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