What to eat after wisdom teeth surgery? Easy-to-eat foods

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What to eat after wisdom teeth surgery? Easy-to-eat foods
Photo : Pixabay

Wisdom teeth extraction is a fairly common procedure, but it can make eating difficult in the days following the operation. Proper nutrition is essential not only to avoid pain, but also to speed up healing. Here are a few tips and suggestions to help you choose the right meals after such a procedure!

1. The first few days: opt for cold and liquids

For the first two to three days, we recommend eating cold, soft, liquid foods to limit mouth movements and avoid any irritation of the operated area. Here are some suitable options:

  • Ice cream and milkshakes: In addition to being pleasant to eat, these cold foods help reduce swelling.
  • Fruit compote or smoothies: Choose blended fruit, which provides vitamins and is easy to eat.
  • Plain yoghurt or chocolate mousse: These creamy textures are ideal for avoiding chewing.
  • Cold soup (like gazpacho): Highly hydrating, it lets you eat vegetables without straining your teeth.

2. Food to be added after 4 to 5 days

After a few days, once swelling and pain start to diminish, you can gradually introduce warm, soft foods. Here are a few ideas:

  • Mashed vegetables or potatoes: A perfect texture for pain-free consumption.
  • Scrambled eggs: Easy to chew and rich in protein, ideal for promoting healing.
  • Warm soup: Enrich it with vegetable or animal proteins for a nutrient boost.
  • Polenta, shepherd's pie, gratins: These gentle dishes allow you to add protein without too much chewing effort.

3. What to avoid!

Certain foods and habits can delay healing or aggravate postoperative pain. Here's what's best to avoid:

  • Hard or crunchy foods: Nuts, chips, rusks or any crunchy food could irritate the gums or get stuck in the stitches.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes: Not only do they slow healing, but tobacco in particular increases the risk of infection.
  • Spices and acidic foods: These can cause further irritation and pain in the operated area.
  • Drinking through a straw: Aspiration can cause dry socket disease, a painful complication that should be avoided at all costs.

4. Resuming a normal diet: when?

The reintroduction of more solid foods depends on the speed of healing, which can vary from person to person. In general, it takes between a week and ten days before you can eat normally again. Listen to your body and gradually return to a more substantial diet, starting with easy-to-chew foods such as well-cooked pasta or tender fish.

A few more tips

In addition to diet, it's also important to maintain good oral hygiene. Use a soft toothbrush and avoid scrubbing the operated area. Mouthwash should not be used immediately after the operation; wait at least 24 to 48 hours, as recommended by your dentist.

In conclusion, choosing soft, cold or lukewarm foods and avoiding hard or irritating textures will help minimize pain and speed healing after wisdom teeth extraction. Patience and care are the keys to a smooth recovery!

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