Vanilla cake recipes - page 2
30 recipes

TWD: Rum-Drenched Vanilla Cakes
This week's TWD was chosen by the fabulous Wendy of Pink Stripes : rum-drenched vanilla cakes. We've made a few of Dorie's rum desserts now and I've found that Dorie likes rum a lot more than I do so I knew I'd be cutting back significantly on that

DO NOT read this post and recipe unless you plan to bake right away Gives you craving to have something cinnamony with a hint of vanilla and maybe chocolate . -ok add butter scotch to that . . Yup thats what I microwaved , all of the above in chips

Eggless Vanilla Cake and Happy Holi to everyone!!
Dear All, Wishing you all a very Happy Holi! May god gift you all colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of love, colors of friendship and all other colors you want to paint in your life! I know I have been away from

Simple Vanilla Cake
This is a simple vanilla cake.Whoever wants to try baking for the first time,can easily start with this.simple ingredients,no hard job,less energy and no mess :) This can be made rich with adding mixed nuts,tutty-fruity,dry fruits etc on the top or mixed

Classic Vanilla Layer Cake with Mocha Swiss Meringue Buttercream . . . and My Favorite Swimmer
A while ago my older son Charlie asked me if I'd bake the big cake for his swim team's end-of-year banquet and I agreed. The banquet's being held early next week, so I need to get cracking. It's been a blast watching that kid swim in high school and, sinc

Vanilla Buttermilk Cupcakes with a Framboise Glaze
I wanted to make something really special for Todd and some of our friends to help celebrate Valentines Day. I thought about chocolates, but then I decided that I would make some delicious cupcakes instead. I was probably more than influenced by thi