Are you storing your eggs correctly? Find the right place!

The question of where to store eggs is a question that arises in the kitchen of many homes. After all, where do these little treasures of nature stay freshest and longest? The fridge or the pantry? This seemingly simple discussion involves scientific and cultural aspects that we will explore together.
Some history first!
Historically, in many cultures, eggs were stored at room temperature, often in specific baskets or containers. However, with the advance of technology and the spread of refrigerators, this practice has been questioned. The food industry generally recommend refrigerating eggs to extend their shelf life and guarantee food safety.
Why refrigeration?
The main reason for refrigerating eggs is to inhibit the growth of bacteria. The eggshell has microscopic pores that allow gas exchange, but can also serve as a gateway for microorganisms. By reducing the temperature, bacterial multiplication is significantly slowed down.
In addition, refrigeration helps preserve the quality of the egg by keeping the yolk firmer and the white thicker. This is especially important for preparations that require eggs with these characteristics, such as meringues and mayonnaise.
Tips for storing eggs correctly:
In the original packaging: The egg's packaging helps protect it from absorbing odors and moisture from other foods.
Pointed end down: When storing eggs in the fridge, place them pointed end down. The yolk will be safe, in the middle of the egg. This will prevent the yolk from coming into contact with the shell if it is cracked.
Remember: Never wash your eggs before storing them, as the shell has a natural protective layer that can be removed by washing.
It really depends on local customs
It is important to note that in some regions, such as Europe, eggs are produced and consumed more locally, which can influence the need for refrigeration. In countries with more controlled production and distribution systems, eggs can be kept at room temperature for longer without compromising quality.
What do the experts say?
Most food safety experts recommend refrigerating eggs, especially in countries with hot climates and high humidity. However, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines, which may vary according to the production process and storage conditions.
Choose wisely
The decision whether or not to refrigerate eggs involves a number of factors, including the origin of the eggs, climatic conditions and local eating habits. However, to ensure food safety and the best quality product, refrigeration is the option most experts recommend.
It's important to remember that refrigeration extends the shelf life of eggs, but it doesn't make them immune to spoilage. When buying eggs, check the expiration date and, when storing them, keep them in the coldest part of the fridge, pointed end down.
In short, there is no single, definitive answer to the question of where to store eggs. The best option will depend on each specific case. However, refrigeration is the safest and most effective alternative for guaranteeing the quality and safety of eggs.
Now you can make our best recipes with eggs safely!