Daging musalmah and nasi tomato (musalmah beef gravy and tomato rice)

wrap in a piece of cloth and tied:
For garnishing:
Preparation50 min
Cook time45 min
- 1)Soak rice in water with 1 tbs.of vinegar for half hour.(this is to prevent the grain from breaking when it's cooked). After half hour drain and wash the rice and rinse. Heat the pot and put in the ghee/butter and oil. Fry the sliced onions and cinnamon until the onions turn brown.
- Add in the pounded onion, ginger and garlic. Fry until they turn slightly brown. Add in the rice and fry for 2-3 minutes. Pour in the water and evaporated milk.Stir. Add in the spice sachet, nutmeg powder and pounded cardamom. Stir.
- Put in the tomato puree and salt.Stir well. Add in the coriander leaves,spring onions and mint leaves.Stir. Let it boil until the liquid has been 3/4 absorbed by the rice. Put in the pandan leaf and cover the pot with aluminium foil to seal the steam from getting out of the pot. Cover the pot and place something heavy over the lid. Lower the fire to very low and place tin sheet below the pot to prevent the rice from burning.
- Cook over slow fire for about 20 minutes. Stir the rice to make sure all the liquids are evenly absorbed.Sprinkle some fried onions and raisins.Cover the pot again and cook over slow fire for another 15-20 minutes. The rice is ready to be served.Garnish with fried cashew nuts,fried onions and raisins.
- 2)Grate the copra (remove copra from the coconut kernel and grate). Fry the grated coconut without oil until it's golden brown. Dry blend or pound the fried grated coconut finely until some oil is visible.
- Heat the wok and pour in the oil. When the oil is hot fry the pounded ginger and garlic and the spices for few minutes. Add in the blended onions. fry until slightly brown.
- Add in the marinated meat.Stir well. Add in the kerisek and salt. Stir well.
Let the meat simmer over slow fire. Stir often to prevent burning. Simmer slowly until the meat is tender and the gravy thickens. Serve.
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