Do you know the best time of day to eat fruit? Here are the myths to dispel!

Fruit is a key pillar of a healthy, balanced diet, prized for its rich content of vitamins, essential for the immune system; minerals, useful for cellular well-being; fiber, which supports intestinal health; and powerful antioxidants, which fight free radicals and protect the body from premature aging. Despite its many benefits, the question is often asked: what is the best time to eat fruit to maximize its positive effects? Some argue that it should be consumed on an empty stomach, others that it is better to avoid it after meals. But what is the truth?
Myth: fruit after meals can cause digestive problems
According to dietitian Yap Wei Ming Louis, many people believe that eating fruit with meals can slow down digestion and cause problems such as indigestion, stomach pain, and other gastrointestinal disorders. This idea is based on the belief that fruit interferes with the process of breaking down food in the stomach.
In reality, although the fiber in fruit may slightly slow the release of food from the stomach to the small intestine, there is no evidence that this slowing has any negative consequences. In fact, slowing down digestion may be beneficial. The fiber in fruit not only contributes to healthy digestion, but also helps prolong the feeling of satiety, thereby reducing overall caloric intake.
Myth: the best time of day to eat fruit is in the morning
This belief has no solid scientific basis. According to an article published in Healthline, some online sources claim that eating a food rich in natural sugars, such as fruit, can raise blood sugar levels and "wake up" the digestive system. In fact, any food containing carbohydrates causes a temporary rise in blood sugar as glucose is absorbed by the body, regardless of the time of day at which it is consumed. This effect is completely normal and physiological, but it is not related to any particular benefit, nor is there any need to "wake up" the digestive system. Our digestive system is always active and ready to go into operation as soon as food touches the tongue, regardless of the time of day. Therefore, the idea that there is any special benefit to eating fruit at certain times is without scientific basis.
Myth: Eating fruit at night is fattening
Another commonplace that often circulates is that eating fruit at night can lead to weight gain. This myth is related to the belief that, during the night, the metabolism slows down and the body is unable to burn the calories consumed, causing fat accumulation. However, science does not support this claim. Our metabolism does not stop during the night, but continues to function even while we sleep, albeit at a slower rate than during the day. In fact, calories count regardless of the time of day they are consumed: what determines weight gain is the balance between calories taken in and calories burned over time.
When to eat fruit to take advantage of all its benefits?
The best time to eat fruit depends on your personal needs and lifestyle. Here are some guidelines for making the most of the benefits of fruit:
- In the morning: Consuming fruit in the morning, perhaps as part of a balanced breakfast, provides instant energy due to its natural sugar and vitamin content. Pair it with protein (such as Greek yogurt) for a complete breakfast.
- As a snack: Fruit is an excellent mid-morning or afternoon snack breaker. It is light, rich in water and keeps blood sugar levels stable, preventing drops in energy.
- Before or after workout: Eating fruit before exercising provides quick carbohydrates for energy, while consuming it afterwards helps replenish nutrients and promotes muscle recovery.
- In the evening: There is nothing wrong with consuming fruit in the evening in moderation, but it is advisable to opt for less sugary and more fiber-rich varieties, such as berries or kiwi, which can also promote sleep due to their serotonin content.
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