Eating more in winter is no myth, and here's why!
When winter arrives, the weather is no longer conducive to spending evenings outside - on the contrary. A good plaid, your favorite movie on TV and, above all, FOOD. Eating, eating and more eating, when the cold weather sets in, becomes the main activity, to the point of making you feel as if that's all you're doing. Some will say, to ease their conscience, that it warms you up, while others will say that a good meal is a source of comfort. All true, and here are some other reasons why you eat more in winter ;)
Your body is asking for it!

Eating more to keep your body warm is no myth. In winter, the body spends a lot of energy keeping warm. Calories are burned, so we need to fill our stomachs.
Light also influences our appetite. Certain hormones are stimulated according to the season, and at the end of the year, serotonin (mood and well-being) is massively produced. What should we do to keep it as satiated as possible? Your dietician won't like the answer, but you need to ingest sources of carbohydrates. To balance all this, regular exercise can obviously help, but often in winter, laziness sets in, and that's understandable...
It's all in the mind!

Winter is often synonymous with a blow to morale. The cold, the bad weather, it's not very cheerful, so often the source of comfort is food. According to medecine sciences, winter depression affects 18% of the global population. More than just a syndrome, it's an illness that can have significant repercussions on the sufferer's daily life. Chocolate tops the list of comfort foods, followed by ice cream and potato chips. But comfort doesn't have to mean junk food: soups, for example, are a great morale booster.
Click here for a soup recipe perfect for winter.
Full plates

November, December and January bring festivities and hearty meals. Meals are richer, and guilty pleasures are less guilt-inducing. At Christmas, for example, tables are overflowing with meats, seafood, foie gras, gratins, cheeses, desserts and alcoholic beverages. And New Year's Day is no exception! After all, it's a time for a little excess, while maintaining a social bond that warms up the winter. So why deprive yourself?