Why more and more people put toilet paper in the fridge

Wednesday 5 March 2025 08:03
Why more and more people put toilet paper in the fridge

The world of home organization and cleaning never ceases to amaze us. Every day we discover new tricks and unexpected solutions that completely transform the way everyday objects are used. Who would have thought that some common items could be used to solve problems completely different from those for which they were designed? A good example is the classic toilet paper roll. Although we are used to seeing it in the bathroom fulfilling its usual function, it turns out that it can also play a key role if you decide to place it inside the refrigerator. Yes, as you read... It's time to find out why more and more people are putting toilet paper in the fridge.

Why should you, too, put a roll of toilet paper in the fridge?

Placing a roll of toilet paper in the refrigerator can provide multiple benefits:

  • Avoid excess moisture: toilet paper, thanks to its high absorption capacity, helps maintain a drier environment inside the refrigerator, which favors food preservation.
  • Limit unpleasant odors: That piece of Roquefort cheese, those leftover roast chicken and forgotten vegetables can generate an unpleasant aromatic cocktail. By absorbing moisture, toilet paper also captures the particles responsible for unpleasant odors, maintaining a fresher environment inside the appliance.
  • Better food preservation: A drier, odor-free environment helps food stay fresh longer, preventing premature spoilage.
  • Limit the appearance of fungi and bacteria: A dry environment hinders the proliferation of unwanted microorganisms that can affect food quality and refrigerator hygiene.
  • Help save energy: A refrigerator without humidity works more efficiently, which can be reflected in lower electricity consumption.

How to use toilet paper and where to place it for proper operation

  • Always use a new, freshly purchased roll of toilet paper that is not contaminated with anything.
  • Place the paper roll in the back of the refrigerator. It should not be in contact with any food. Another option is to place it in the fruit and vegetable drawers to maximize its effect.

How often should the roll be changed?

To maintain its effectiveness, it is advisable to replace the roll every one to two weeks, depending on the level of humidity and odors in your refrigerator. If you notice that the paper has soaked up enough moisture that it looks wrinkled and dark, it's time for a change. This will prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.

It should be remembered that, to keep the refrigerator in perfect condition, it is not enough to place a roll of toilet paper inside, it is essential to make regular cleanings, removing any food that is no longer in good condition and placing in sight those products that are close to expiring so as not to forget to consume them in time.

A trick that works, would you try it?

Including a roll of toilet paper in your fridge is a simple, economical and sustainable trick, as it does not generate chemical waste, and also helps to keep your food better, remove the bad smell of the fridge and optimize the performance of the refrigerator. Do you dare to try it and see for yourself its advantages? Did you already know this curious practice? And you, do you use charcoal, baking soda or lemon to keep bad odors at bay in your fridge? Tell us in the comments! I'm sure your experience can be of great help to other readers.

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Passionate about cooking and good food, my life revolves around carefully chosen words and wooden spoons. Responsible, yet forgetful. I am a journalist and writer with years of experience, and I found my ideal corner in France, where I work as a writer for Petitchef. I love bœuf bourguignon, but I miss my mother's salmorejo. Here, I combine my love for writing and delicious flavors to share recipes and kitchen stories that I hope will inspire you. I like my tortilla with onions and slightly undercooked :)