Vanilla cream cheese panna cotta w/raspberry sauce

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4 servings
Very Easy
25 min

Need freshness. This recipe is ideal.



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Preparation10 min
Cook time15 min
  • In a saucepan add raspberries, liqueur and sugar. On medium high heat stir and mash berries as the mixture comes to a boil. Immediately turn down to low heat and let simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • In another saucepan over medium heat, add cream and half and half and sprinkle the gelatin over and let soak for 15 minutes or so.
  • Turn heat up and add sugar, split vanilla bean with seeds scraped (add the husk also) and stir until gelatin is incorporated.
  • Add cream cheese and continue to stir until it comes to a boil. (Note: on the cream cheese, although the cream cheese melted there were still small "chunks" of it use a hand blender to smooth out the consistency. If you don't have a hand blender, you may want to microwave the cream cheese for a minute or so before adding to the cream and sugar and vanilla mixture).
  • Turn heat off and let "steep for 10 minutes or so. Remove vanilla bean husks.
  • In dishes of your choice spoon in a inch or so raspberry mixture. Then slowly add panna cotta so as to layer it.
  • Chill for 2 hours before serving. A bit of whipped cream topping is excellent.


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