Yummy crystallized yam sticks with sesame seeds ( 麦芽糖拔丝芋头 )

6 servings
25 min

Sweet, soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside is what you make of this popular Golden Candied Yam. The Chinese name 拔丝芋头 literally means " Drawing Strings ", suggesting that you should be seeing these caramelized golden strings when you lift the yam sticks off the plate as shown in the above image.



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Preparation10 min
Cook time15 min


* Before eating, dip the hot yam sticks into ice water for the sugar coating to harden, turning them into crunchy snacks. If your yam is soft inside, and crispy on the exterior .......... Congrats, it is a success!

* Tip: Make sure you separate the yam sticks before they cool down. I made a terrible mistake by taking food shots after transferring the yam sticks onto a serving plate instead of separating them first. By the time I finished my photo shoot, the temperature of the yam sticks have already dropped and they stuck together like superglue. Lol! Well, hope you will enjoy this yummy snack as much, and have fun experimenting, sunshine!


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