Ginger chutney recipes
4 recipes

Pear ginger chutney
Other Very Easy 10 min
Ingredients: 5 pounds pears 1/2 cup green pepper 1 - 1/2 cup raisins 4 cups sugar 1 cup crystallized ginger 2 cups cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon each salt 3...

Ginger thokku
Other Very Easy 35 min 30 min
Ingredients: Ginger: 4 to 5 big pieces Red Chillies: 8 to 10 Fenugreek: 1 teaspoon Mustard: 1 tablespoon Tamarind: lemon size Jaggery: lemon size Salt: 2...

Pesarattu with ginger chutney (Whole Green gram and vegetable seasoning Dosa or Crape or Pancake)(State of Andhra Pradesh Breakfast delicacy )
Pesarattu (Pesara means green gram ,attu means Dosa or crape or Pan cake)) is a delicacy from southern state of Andhra Pradesh break fast recipe).This delicious Whole green gram Dosa is eaten with ginger chutney(dip).Simply this Crispy Dosa enjoyed wit

Ginger Chutney (Allam Pachadi)(Sweet,spicy and tangy chutney)
Ginger Chutney or Allam Pachadi is a chutney from the state of Andhra. Usually this chutney is very popular in all Andhra Pradesh homes. This chutney is served as a side dish with Pesarattu( green gram dosa), Vada, Idly or simply with curd rice. Ingr