Homemade Gardenia Butterscotch Loaf

Ingredients :
250gm all purpose flour
250gm bread flour
2 tspn yeast
290ml milk & water (50%-50%)
1 egg (do not beat the egg)
2-1/2 tbsp sugar
2 tspn salt
80gm cold butter, cubed
*1 cup butterscotch chips
(1) combine flour & yeast (stir well), then add in sugar and salt.
(2) add in the egg and slowly stir in milk and mix to form a soft & sticky dough.
(3) lastly add in butter and knead till the side of the bowl become clean.
(4) knead till you get a smooth dough and cover, let it rest for an hour or untill double in size.
(6) place dough to a slightly floured working table, divide into 4 portion and again let to rest for 5-10 mins.
(7) next, roll out each dough and place in butterscotch chip.
(8) fold both side of dough into centre and roll it up from the longer side.
(as shown in picture)
(9) let them rest in a 4.5x4.5x10" greased tray for an hour or untill 80% full.
(10) brush the top with egg glaze and bake at preheated oven 190'C for about 30-35mins.
(11) leave to cool completely before slicing it.

My dear friend Gert @ My Kitchen Snipperis giving away three gorgeous aprons. All entries end on 17th of May (6pm, Easten time). Please do visit her blog.
My Little Space
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Hi jusy found ths recipe. Do we bake it in the middle rack at the oven? And with bottom heat only or bottom and top heat?