Beet verrines: an easy and fresh starter

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4 servings
Very Easy
15 min

Want color in your menu? Beet will be your best friend for this! Just mixed with cream cheese and a few herbs to spice it up, you will obtain super fresh beet cream. Try it, we can assure you that you will love it ;-) And what's more, it's super easy to make and requires no cooking: what more could you ask for?!




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How long can I keep my beet creams?
You can keep them in the refrigerator for 2 days in an airtight container.

Can I freeze this recipe?
No problem ! Place your cream in an airtight container or freezer bag and don't forget to add a dated label!

What can I replace the parsley with?
You can replace it with coriander or remove it from the recipe.

What can I replace chives with?
You can remove it from the recipe if you don't like it.

Can I serve these verrines as an aperitif?
No problem ! On the other hand, the "bodega" glasses that we used have a capacity of around 20cl, which may be a little large for an aperitif. So bring smaller glasses.

How many glasses do I get with these quantities?
You will get 4 “bodega” glasses with a capacity of approximately 20cl.

What should you replace natural cream cheese with?
You can replace it with “garlic and fine herbs” cheese. On the other hand, and in this case, do not use onions, parsley and chives but mix the beets and the garlic and fine herb cheese directly.




Refrigerator storage


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