How to remove bitterness from endives: Tricks that really work

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How to remove bitterness from endives: Tricks that really work

Among the much-loved squash, chard, mushrooms and sweet potatoes, all fall vegetables that are unjustly unpopular, we find chicon or endive. This is probably because this vegetable, which belongs to the endive family, has a double side: on the one hand, its crisp, white leaves are refreshing and textured, but on the other, they have a bitter aftertaste that not all palates appreciate. If you want to learn how to soften that natural bitterness and enjoy this vegetable to the fullest, read on, because we tell you how.

Why are endives bitter?

The characteristic bitterness of chicon comes from natural compounds known as sesquiterpene lactones, particularly intibin. This compound is the plant' s defense mechanism against predators. Although this bitterness may be unpleasant to the palate, it has properties that promote digestion and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

The degree of bitterness will depend largely on the type of cultivation and environmental conditions (light, water and temperature) in which the endives are grown. For example, those grown in dark environments tend to be less bitter.

Tricks to eliminate bitterness in endives

If you want to enjoy a milder and more pleasant taste, here are the best methods to minimize the bitterness of endives:

1. Remove the core: The bitterness of endives is mainly concentrated in the core (the base of the stem). So to reduce that bitter taste, cut a small cone at the base of each endive, eliminating the center of the stem. You will notice a tremendous difference in flavor with this simple step.

Soak them in cold water with sugar or salt: A trick widely used in cooking is to soak the endives in very cold water for a quarter of an hour before cooking or serving them raw. To further enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of sugar or a pinch of salt to the water. The salt will help neutralize the bitterness, while the sugar adds a slight touch of sweetness to counteract the bitter taste.

3. Choose these cooking techniques: If you are going to serve your endives cooked, favor these cooking techniques:

  • Steaming: Add a few drops of vinegar or lemon to the cooking water, this will help reduce the bitterness, as well as keep the leaves tender.
  • Sautéing endives in butter: Caramelization is very effective in reducing bitterness, so you can cook your endives in a pan with a little butter and add a little sugar or honey to balance the bitterness. Give the endives time to brown well and caramelize.
  • Cooking in milk: This technique, widely used in France, helps the endive to acquire a soft texture and a much more delicate flavor, as the milk neutralizes the bitter compounds.

4. If you serve them raw: If you use raw endive for example to make a salad or serve its leaves with Roquefort as an aperitif, you can opt for sweet dressings or vinaigrettes (honey-based, balsamic vinegar...) or accompany them with naturally sweet ingredients (apple compote, candied walnuts, pears) as they will help to counteract the bitterness.

Time to put on your apron

As you can see, there are many tricks to neutralize and soften the bitterness of endives and thus be able to fully enjoy this vegetable. Get inspired with these recipes:


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