The Monday fresh-start effect determines your week, so adopt the right slimming reflexes!

Thursday 20 March 2025 09:03
The Monday fresh-start effect determines your week, so adopt the right slimming reflexes!

Monday is often seen as a key day for making new resolutions, especially when it comes to weight loss. After a weekend of overeating, many people feel the need to return to a healthier lifestyle. However, this desire to do the right thing can sometimes lead to mistakes, such as over-restriction, which can get in the way of achieving weight loss goals. We explain why extreme deprivation can be counterproductive and suggest strategies for a more balanced approach;-).

The Monday fresh-start effect

Monday is seen as the ideal day to repent for excesses. This phenomenon is called the "fresh start effect" by nutrition specialists. According to Kitty Broihier a registered dietician, this principle works like a "weekly New Year's"(Broihier, 2024). This increased motivation can encourage a healthier lifestyle, but it can also lead to restrictive behaviours that are detrimental to weight loss.

Why extreme restriction can be counterproductive

Drastically reducing your calorie intake from Monday onwards may seem like an effective solution to compensate for a weekend full of excesses. Yet this approach can have detrimental effects on weight loss. Brannon Blount, M.S., RDN nutritionist, warns against this cycle of deprivation and compulsion: "Extreme restriction can trigger a cycle of deprivation and overconsumption".

Indeed, not consuming enough calories leads to cravings, a drop in energy and can encourage cravings for foods rich in sugar and fat. Studies show that people prone to compulsive eating tend to lose less weight and abandon their diets more quickly than those who adopt a more balanced approach (Smith et al., 2023). Furthermore, prolonged restriction can slow metabolism by signalling to the body that it needs to conserve energy.

Strategies for lasting weight loss

Rather than adopting a restrictive approach on Monday, it's better to aim for balance throughout the week. Here are a few key tips:

  • Focus on consistency: View each day as an opportunity to adopt healthy habits, rather than seeing Monday as a radical "reset" day.
  • Focus on protein and fiber: These nutrients increase satiety and reduce cravings. Opting for lean meats, eggs, legumes and whole grains can be beneficial.
  • Stay sufficiently hydrated: Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger. Drinking water throughout the day helps regulate appetite.
  • Eat mindfully: Taking the time to savor your meals, avoiding distractions and listening to your satiety signals helps you better control your eating.
  • Get enough sleep: Quality sleep influences hunger hormones and reduces the urge to snack. Maintaining a regular bedtime routine is essential.

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