Pandoro brioche filled with nutella cream and vanilla cream in the shape of a christmas tree
Head to Italy for the Christmas holidays with this stuffed Pandoro! We have chosen two creams to garnish it, a vanilla cream and a Nutella cream. A super easy dessert, extra fast and above all, a no bake recipe, since all you have to do is to use a ready-made Pandoro: you cut it, stuff it with your creams and reassemble it to create a beautiful Christmas tree. So you too can try this last-minute solution that will delight the whole family. Follow the recipe step by step, and let us know how it went!
Nutella cream :
Vanilla cream :
- 1 food processor (optional) or
- 1 hand mixer
- 2 bowls
- 1 bread knife
- 2 spatula
- 1 tea infuser (optional)
The Nutella cream :
Pour the cold cream into the bowl (place in the freezer for 15 minutes before use), add the mascarpone and the Nutella.Whisk until smooth. Finish mixing with a spatula if necessary. Transfer to a piping bag and place in the fridge.
The vanilla cream:
Pour the cold cream into the bowl and add the mascarpone, icing sugar and vanilla.Whisk to a stiff cream. Transfer to a piping bag and place in the fridge.
The pandoro :
Cut the pandoro into 6 slices to obtain 6 star-shaped slices.Assembly:
Pipe some cream onto the surface of the star at the base of the pandoro. Spread it all over the centre with a spatula, then poach little balls on the star's rays.Place another star slice on top, leaving the rays of the bottom star visible. Poach vanilla cream in the centre and spread well with a spatula. Then poach small balls on the rays.
Repeat until all the slices have been placed. We have poached vanilla cream on top but you can also cover it with Nutella cream.
Sprinkle with icing sugar (we used a tea infuser) to decorate your tree. Your stuffed pandoro is ready!
Which pandoro to use?
We used a 2lbs pandoro. It is an Italian brioche traditionally eaten during the Christmas season. There are smaller ones, so don't hesitate to adapt the quantities according to the size of your pandoro.
What to replace the pandoro with?
You can use a classic brioche but you won't be getting the characteristic star shape of the pandoro and you won't be able to make a Christmas tree.
What can I use instead of the vanilla and the Nutella creams?
You can use cookie butter, peanut butter, almond butter or pistachio cream.
How long in advance can you prepare this stuffed pandoro?
You can prepare the creams at most three days in advance. Keep them in an airtight container in the frige before use. We advise you to stuff the pandoro the same day!