Strawberry tart tatin

Strawberry tart tatin
8 servings
1 hour

A yummy melt in your mouth strawberry upside down tart



For the shortcrust pastry:

For the topping:

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Strawberry tart - video recipe!


Preparation25 min
Cook time35 min
  • In a round baking tin put 70 g of butter and 100 g of sugar and caramelize it on a source of heat. It should get a nice dark golden colour. The caramel has to cover all of the base of the baking tin.
  • Slice the strawberries and lay them onto the caramel without leaving any gaps.
  • Make the pastry by working with your hands the butter, the flour, the water and the salt.
    You should get a nice smooth dough. Now put it in the fridge for 30 minutes wrap it in cling film.
  • Take it out of the fridge and with a rolling pin flatten it out and cover well the strawberries. Make a couple of small incisions so the steam will be released during cooking.
  • Cook at 180 C for 35-40 minutes until the pastry is nice and golden.
    When cooked leave it to rest for a couple of minutes then turn it upside down with the help of a plate and serve it warm with some cream if you like.


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