Meringue cake recipes
7 recipes

Concorde cake: chocolate mousse and meringue cake, to fulfill my curiosity!
Other Very Easy 45 min 735 kcal
Ingredients: 120 g Egg whites 120 g Icing sugar 30 g Cocoa powder 120 g Granulated sugar 125 g Dark chocolate 75 g Unsalted butter 2 Egg yolks 40 g Icing sugar...

Sour cherry poppy seed cake with meringue topping
Dessert Difficult 20 min 45 min
Ingredients: For the cake: 140 g ground poppy seeds 160 g cake flour 1 tsp baking soda ¼ tsp ground cardamom ½ tsp ground cinnamon zest of 1 lemon 150 g butter...

Meringue cake
Dessert Very Easy 40 min 460 kcal
Ingredients: 2 egg yolks 1/2 C milk 2 Tbs butter 3/4 C sugar 1 C flour 1 tsp baking powder 2 egg whites 1 1/2 C brown sugar 1 tsp vanilla

Tarte au citron meringuée - lemon meringue pie
Dessert Very Easy 20 min 45 min
Ingredients: Lemon curd filling: 3 lemons ( juice and zest) at room temp 3 egg yolks at room temp 1 cup (250 g)sugar 1/2 cup (120 g) butter 1 tablepsoon...

Austrian coffee cake with coffee buttercream
Other Easy 25 min 30 min
Ingredients: For the sponge cake: 75g walnuts, finely chopped 263g self raising flour 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder 263g unsalted butter, at room temperature 263g...

Classic Vanilla Layer Cake with Mocha Swiss Meringue Buttercream . . . and My Favorite Swimmer
A while ago my older son Charlie asked me if I'd bake the big cake for his swim team's end-of-year banquet and I agreed. The banquet's being held early next week, so I need to get cracking. It's been a blast watching that kid swim in high school and, sinc

Holiday baking: meringues, divinity, Buche de Noel and gingerbread cupcakes
I have inherited Christmas decorations. Honestly, I'm not sure where some of them came from. I've got lots of gaudy plastic garlands, plenty of lights, red velvet bows, a gazillion ornaments and countless other things. Our front closet is filled with mult