Sicilian stuffed artichokes

8 servings
Very Easy
1 h 15 m
226 Kcal


Estimated cost: 12.64 (1.58€/serving)

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Baked artichokes


Preparation15 min
Cook time1 hour
  • After the hard outer leaves have been taken off the artichokes. (about 2-3 rows)
    Holding the artichoke upside down bang it against a flat surface (counter) to open up the petals lightly
    Wash the artichokes to remove any impurities.
Now trim stem* to make a base for the artichoke to stand up in the cooking pot.
    Distribute equally all of the ingredients except for the Olive Oil, filling the petals of the artichoke at random and pushing the ingredients with your fingers as far down the petals as you can.

    When all of them are filled, place the stuffed artichokes inside a pot that will hold them tightly so they are sitting straight up.
    Fill the pot half way with water.
    Pour the Olive Oil over the artichokes
    Put a top on the pot, it’s okay if the top is sitting high above the top of the artichokes, it will settle down as the artichokes get softer,
    which is a sign that the artichokes are almost ready.
    Cook about 1 hour on medium to low heat.
    Artichokes are ready when you can pull a leaf from the middle and it comes out easily.

    * (the stem can be cooked along with the artichoke and can be eaten)


for 1 serving / for 100 g
Calories: 226Kcal
  • Carbo: 4g
  • Total fat: 20.4g
  • Saturated fat: 5.8g
  • Proteins: 3.3g
  • Fibers: 3g
  • Sugar: 2.9g
  • ProPoints: 6
  • SmartPoints: 8
Nutritional information for 1 serving (91g)
Gluten free


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