7 foods to avoid if you have high blood pressure: Which are the worst for your heart?
High blood pressure (HTA) is a reality that affects a large proportion of the population, and it can be sneaky! We often talk about reducing stress and exercising more, but diet plays an equally crucial role. Some foods, although appetizing, can actually be real enemies for your heart health. So, if you want to keep your blood pressure under control and optimize the effects of treatment, here are a few foods to avoid!
1. Liquorice
You might think licorice is harmless, but beware! It contains glycyrrhizic acid, a compound that can send your blood pressure soaring. This acid reduces your potassium levels and promotes water retention, two factors that are major contributors to high blood pressure. In short, licorice candies, as good as they are, are not our friends in this case...
2. Salt, public enemy number 1
As we all know, too much salt is bad for you. But why is that? Excess sodium in salt leads to water retention in the body. The result? Your blood vessels are put under pressure, causing your blood pressure to rise. Products such as cold meats, ready-made meals and ready-made sauces are loaded with salt. Ideally, you should limit your salt intake to less than 6 grams a day, or one teaspoon. It's a small effort, but your heart will thank you!
3. Red and processed meats: watch out for excesses
Red meats and, even worse, processed meats such as bacon or sausages, are loaded with saturated fats and sodium. A combo that can aggravate hypertension by increasing cholesterol and pressure on your arteries. This doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to a good steak, but limit the quantity and prefer lean meats or fish.
4. Fried foods
Fried foods, tempting as they are, are packed with saturated fats and trans-fatty acids. The latter are known to raise "bad" cholesterol levels, clogging arteries and increasing blood pressure. In short, whether it's French fries, donuts or nuggets, it's best to eat them in moderation, or avoid them altogether.
5. Alcohol
It's often said that a little glass of wine never hurt anyone, and that's true... as long as it's occasional. But beware: alcohol consumed in large quantities can raise blood pressure. It is therefore advisable to limit consumption. It's all a question of balance!
6. Caffeine and energy drinks
If you tend to overindulge in coffee, strong tea or energy drinks, beware of excess caffeine! Even if the effect is temporary, caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise in sensitive individuals. Try decaffeinated versions or limit your consumption to 2 to 3 cups a day.7. Ultra-processed products
Chips, industrial cookies, frozen meals and fast food are often extremely high in salt, saturated fats and sugar. These ultra-processed products are not good for your heart health and contribute to high blood pressure. Opt for fresh, unprocessed foods whenever possible!
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