How much alcohol can you consume in a week and still be in good health?

Whether you're an avid partygoer or just enjoy the occasional aperitif, it's essential to know your limits.
Excessive alcohol consumption
Excessive drinking is defined differently according to the frequency and quantity consumed. For example, binge drinking is characterized by the consumption of four or more drinks in about two hours.
Excessive weekly consumption is defined as ten or more drinks per week.
Health effects
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a number of serious health problems:
Cancers: alcohol consumption increases the risk of several types of cancer, including those of the mouth, esophagus, liver, breast and colon (Cleveland Clinic).
Brain: can cause brain damage, including impaired memory and coordination, as well as alcohol-related dementia (Cleveland Clinic).
Heart: alcohol can weaken the heart muscle, leading to heart failure and other cardiovascular problems (Cleveland Clinic).
Liver: excessive consumption can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer (Cleveland Clinic).
How much is too much?
According to Santé Publique France (French public health) guidelines, healthy adults who choose to consume alcohol should do so in moderation:
"For your health, alcohol is a maximum of 2 glasses a day, and not every day".
The following guidelines are given:
- maximum 10 glasses per week
- maximum 2 drinks a day
- there must be days of the week without consumption.
To minimize health risks, it is recommended to respect daily and weekly consumption limits.
People with a family history of cancer or alcohol-related disorders should consider further limiting their consumption or abstaining altogether.
This article is very informative and could help a lot of people, especially those who are addicted to alcohol. Thanks