Perfect risotto: 5 mistakes NOT to make (and how to avoid them)

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Perfect risotto: 5 mistakes NOT to make (and how to avoid them)

Risotto is more than just a dish: it is an icon of Italian cuisine and a symbol of comfort food. Its enveloping creaminess and the versatility that allows it to marry with endless ingredients make it beloved all over the world. Think preparing a perfect risotto is complicated? Wrong! With a few simple steps and a few little tricks, you too can make a chef's dish in your home kitchen. Here are the 5 most common mistakes and tips to avoid them.

1. Do not toast the rice

The secret to perfect risotto initiates from toasting. Toasting the rice serves to seal the starch and make it firm. By doing so, the risotto will keep its shape and will not fall apart during cooking.

How to toast rice properly?

  • To toast rice properly, simply brown it over medium heat for a few minutes in a large frying pan with a little butter or oil until the grains become translucent.

2. Add all the broth at once

One mistake you should definitely avoid when making risotto is adding all the broth at once. The result will be a bland risotto that is too liquidy. The secret is to add the broth a little at a time, waiting for it to be completely absorbed by the rice. This way the risotto will be creamy and tasty.

3. Choosing the wrong kind of rice

Not all types of rice are suitable for making risotto. Using long grain rice or exotic rices such as basmati, jasmine, or thai can compromise the end result, as they do not release the starch needed to create the typical creaminess of risotto.

What are the best types of rice for risotto?

  • Carnaroli: with its high starch content and its ability to maintain an al dente texture, Carnaroli is the rice that provides maximum creaminess and flavor to your risotto.
  • Arborio: with slightly larger grains than Carnaroli, Arborio is rich in starch and perfect for creating creamy, enveloping risottos.
  • Vialone Nano: With its round shape and ability to release abundant starch, this fine rice is the perfect choice for creating gourmet risottos that are rich in flavor and creaminess.
  • Roma: Versatile and reliable, this rice is ideal for exploring all the nuances of risotto. Its ability to stay cooked al dente and release just the right amount of starch makes it perfect for any combination.

4. Not enough mixing

Never leave your risotto alone! The secret to creamy risotto lies in patience and constant stirring. Using a wooden spoon, gently move the risotto throughout the cooking process. This way, each grain will release the starch, creating a natural sauce that will envelop your palate.

5. Forget about mantecatura

Mantecatura is the final touch that makes the difference between a mediocre risotto and an extraordinary risotto. This step involves adding cold butter and Parmesan(or other cheeses) to the risotto at the end of cooking, off the heat. Stirring vigorously results in an irresistible creaminess and enveloping flavor

How to whip risotto to perfection?

  • Make sure the rice is cooked just right, soft but still slightly firm in the center
  • Turn off the heat and let the risotto rest for about 30 seconds-this helps the starch bind better.
  • Add the cold butter (from the refrigerator) directly into the risotto to create the perfect emulsion with the rice starch.
  • Stir vigorously, using a wooden spoon, until the butter has melted completely.
  • Grate plenty of Parmigiano Reggiano or Grana Padano cheese and incorporate it into the risotto, always continuing to stir.
  • Check the consistency; the perfect risotto should be"all'onda": creamy but not too liquid. If you feel it is too thick, add hot broth.


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