Why you should always add a pinch of salt to your coffee!

Morning coffee is often a sacred ritual for many of us, and it's hard to get up in a good mood without it! Whether you prefer it black, with milk, sugar or even a touch of cream, there's a little trick that could transform your taste experience: add a pinch of salt. Yes, that's right! It may seem weird, but it hides unsuspected benefits.
A grandmother's tip now approved by science
The idea of adding salt to coffee is not new. Our grandmothers already used this method to reduce the bitterness of coffee, and today, science confirms their wisdom ;-) In fact, salt has the ability to neutralize bitterness while bringing out coffee's other flavors. Studies have shown that sodium chloride, the main component of salt, can soften bitter flavors by interacting with the taste receptors on our tongue.
How does it work? Let's talk science!
When coffee is roasted, bitter compounds called phenylindanes a nd chlorogenic acid lactones are formed. These compounds are responsible for the bitterness of coffee, especially in dark roasts. Adding a small amount of salt to your coffee helps mask this bitterness, while preserving and accentuating the coffee's other subtle flavors.
Traditions from around the world
In some countries, adding salt to coffee is an established tradition! In Vietnam, salted coffee is often blended with condensed milk for a sweet, caramelized drink. In Sweden, you'll find a drink called "kokkaffe", a coffee infused with dried and salted reindeer meat. We find it weird but would you try this?
Sebagai seorang pengemar air kopi tulin, tambah beberapa butir garam ke dalam air kopi panas itu adalah amalan yang baik.