30 Day Muffins - Batch One: Caramel Chocolate Chip With Golden Graham Crumble Topping
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I have adapted this brilliant 30 day muffin recipe from Rachel's Favourite Food by Rachel Allen, the muffin batter will happily sit in the fridge for up to 30 days so you can make muffins everyday for a month.
For my first batch I chucked in a handful of Carmel Nibbles (caramel filled chocolate buttons), topped the muffins with Golden Graham (the cereal) crumble and drizzled with chocolate and caramel icing.
As a muffin base I adore this recipe, it is delicious and beautiful in texture but still has that wholesome muffin thing going on. The dark brown sugar and vanilla paste give the muffins a lovely flavour, the Golden Graham crumble topping goes brilliantly and the Caramel Nibbles are a lovely surprise.
Below is the basic muffin batter recipe, Rachel Allen likes to add chopped dates and raisins but you can obviously try as many variations as you can think of.
I made 8 muffins today so have plenty of batter left over to try out new flavour combinations, so expect more muffins tomorrow.
30 Day Muffins
Recipe adapted from Rachel's Favourite Food by Rachel Allen
Makes 15-20 Muffins
2 eggs
225 g dark brown sugar
500 ml milk
1 tsp vanilla paste
120 ml sunflower oil
370 g plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
110 g oats
3 tsp bicarbonate of soda
3 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1. Whisk the eggs and sugar together, and pour in the milk and vanilla. Stir well.
2. Add the sunflower oil. Sieve the flour with the bicarbonate of soda and salt, and add to the mixture followed by the oats. Mix again and cover tightly until needed - this mixture will keep in the fridge for up to 30 days.
(At this point you can add any number of yummy things, i.e. Caramel Nibbles but if your saving some of the plain batter remember to separate the mixture first).
3. Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4.
4. Stir the mixture before using. Fill muffin cases in a muffin tin until three quarters full. (If you're adding a crumble topping, do so now). Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until firm to the touch and golden.
5. Cool on a wire rack before serving.
I actually managed to end up with the perfect amount of crumble for my 8 muffins but feel free to adapt as needed. This crumble is lovely and really compliments the muffins well.
For the Crumble
2 tbsp plain flour
25g butter
1 tsp ground almonds
1/4 cup Golden Grahams, crushed or processed into crumbs
1 tbsp dark brown sugar
Sift the flour into a small bowl and rub in the butter, until the mixture resembles wet sand. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
Top the muffins with crumble before baking.
The icings I used come in little tubes from Sainsbury's, I've had them lurking in my baking cupboard for a while so it was high time I used them up. They come in white, milk and dark chocolate, as well as caramel and were actually perfect for these muffins.
I'm not sure what flavour I'll do next but here are a few ideas to get you started:
Orange / Lemon Zest
Dried Fruits such as Apricots, sultanas, banana chips etc.
Chocolate Chips
Fresh or Frozen Berries
Apple Sauce
Grated Carrot
Poppy Seeds
Nuts such as Pecan, Walnut, Hazelnut, Pistachio etc.
Spices such as Ginger or Cinnamon
Ooh the possibilities are just endless...
The Art of Being Perfect
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