Bavarian Semmeknoedel (Bread Dumplings) on Halloween (no clever connection, though)

Bavarian "Rohr Knudeln" (Yeast) Bread
I'm trying to find time to organize a multitude of food photos that I have uploaded from my camera-- but work wears me out and then I'm too tired to blog about. I soadmire those of you who blog on a daily basis. How do you do it?? This weekend, that is about to change-- I hope. Please forgive me, as I rewind time two weeks ago to my Oktoberfest party. I wanted to share with you my Mutti's (mother's) very traditional Semmel Knoedel (trying saying that one... KA-NEW-DEL)... well, it's a tough one, but that's as close I can get. To make life easier, I'll refer to them as bread dumplings. They are a childhood favorite, and they go perfectly with Austrian Goulash that is also one of the most requested meals from my two brothers.
This is recipe is similar to making stuffing. The real difference is that you use milk, instead of chicken stock.You want to use a hard roll (French bread will do, in a pinch). Stale works well, too. The ingredients are very simple: sliced bread, eggs, milk, fresh parsley and salt. I don't measure, but I'll do my best for those of you who rely on that.

This is childhood comfort food... Austrian Goulash and Semmel Knoedel.

The "art" of eating these-- cut in half...

Sometimes, with leftover knoedel, I slice them like cooked potatoes and fry them in bacon and onion, and pour over whisked egg. It's fantastic as a breakfast. But, there are rarely leftovers.
These are very different, and I hope that you would try this very traditional German dish. I recently heard someone say that they don't like German food. I was disappointed to hear that. I wonder... what comes to mind when someone things of German food? Sausages? Potatoes? There are so many different regions of German food, so I hope to share more of my family heirloom recipes with you. I hope to change someone's mindset. At least, I'll give it a try!
I didn't do anything special for Halloween, because I've been feeling run-down. I would like to invite you to visit my special friend, "Monica" at "Lick the Bowl Good". She made the cutest decorated cupcakes for Halloween, and I love her tutorial on how to decorate them. Aren't they cute?
Photo by Monica, Lick the Bowl Good
Thanks, Monica, for giving me something to post with a Halloween theme!
Off to make chicken soup and to rest so that I defeat this cold that's trying to ruin my weekend.
Have a safe Halloween!

This recipe was taught to me by my Bavarian Mutti ...
See Austrian Goulashon Key Ingredient.

JUMP to my blog site to view and print these recipes, please!
A Feast for the Eyes