Blancmange with strawberries

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Preparation15 min
Cook time2 hours
- Slice the strawberries into halves and layer them on the bottom of a round tube pan.
- Prepare the jelly as per the directions given on the back of the box.
Pour the jelly mixture on top of the layered strawberries. Cover with cling film, transfer to the fridge and allow to set and chill for 2 hours. - To make the custard, take 500 ml milk in a pan.
Take a little milk and dissolve 21/2 tbsp custard powder in it and make a fine paste.
Add the condensed milk, stirring constantly. - Boil the sweetened milk. While boiling, add the above paste slowly. Stir continuously and cook for 2 minutes.
Once the custard starts to thicken, take off the heat and add the cream. - Next, add the prepared gelatin to the custard.Mix well and put aside to cool.
To prepare the gelatin - soak the gelatin in 12 Tbsp water. Leave to set for 10 minutes. Then leave the bowl to stand in another bowl of hot water and stir with a spoon till the gelatin melts and becomes a clear liquid. - When the custard has completely cooled down, pour it on top of the strawberry and jelly, filling the pan right till the top.
Put again in the fridge to set for at least 3-4 hours. - To serve, dip the jelly mould into a bowl of hot water to loosen the sides, then quickly turn it out into the centre of a serving plate. Sprinkle the strawberries around the edge of the plate.