Orange agar agar

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Orange Agar Agar
2 servings
Very Easy
10 min
415 Kcal


Estimated cost: 2.02 (1.01€/serving)

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  • Bring water to boil. Add agar agar powder & sugar. Stir till sugar dissolves.
  • Turn off heat. Stir in fresh orange juice. Spoon mixture into jelly mould.
  • To make orange mould : Slice off small portion from top of orange. Use a metal spoon, scoop out the flesh, retaining the juice.
  • To prevent topple, place the orange mould in a small bowl, fill in with agar agar mixture. Chill till set before cutting into slices.


for 1 serving / for 100 g
Calories: 414Kcal
  • Carbo: 90.6g
  • Total fat: 1.1g
  • Saturated fat: 0.3g
  • Proteins: 4.8g
  • Fibers: 8g
  • Sugar: 86g
  • ProPoints: 11
  • SmartPoints: 23
Nutritional information for 1 serving (664g)


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