Parshad (gluten, nut, dairy ,soy free)

A sacred sweet, a symbolic that is distributed in a Sikh temple as a blessing from the Guru.
Preparation5 min
Cook time20 min
- Heat desi ghee or oil in a thick bottom wok or pan.
Add sorghum and gram flour. Stir continuously over medium low heat.
The flour mixture will be frothy at first. Slowly the froth will disappear and the color of the flour will become deep golden and you'll smell the nutty aroma in your kitchen (The whole process will take about 10-15 minutes).
Add sugar and then slowly add hot water ( Make sure you wear oven mitts while stirring to prevent getting hot splash on your hand) While making wheat parshad sugar syrup is made and then added to the toasted flour. However, I'm skipping that step as I like my recipes to be simple.
Gently fold the mixture from the sides and the bottom of the wok into the center. The texture will change when the flour absorb all the water and it is evenly combined (not smooth but a cracky texture).
You will notice that parshad has come away from the sides of the wok and hold together well (slightly sticky because its bean flour) and transmit sweet delicious smell.
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FYI, this recipe has over 2,000 calories in it. Not that you'll eat the whole thing, but each portion will be calorie-laden.