Double-Boiled papaya Soup & Japanese Souffle Cheesecake
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All you need is just red dates, gingko nuts, an unripe papaya (which they called "green papaya") and some sugar to taste.
First, boil water, then add in the red dates and ginko nuts and some sugar to taste and simmer for about 8 minutes until the dates and nuts becomes soft and the taste had infused into the soup. Set aside. Next, cut papaya into half. Scoop out the centre flesh and seeds to create a hollow well. Pour the soup into the "well" and steam papaya for about 15 minutes or until papays is soft (You could actually steam it longer if you like the papaya to be softer).
The soup is clear, light and refreshing. I prefer it to be served cold. Best of all, it is said to be good for complexion and to enhance woman's assets. hehe... if you know what I mean. :P Anyway I don't really think it works, otherwise every woman on the streets would be ermm...well endowed. :P Still this is a refreshing and healthy dessert worth trying. :)

My Baking Cottage
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