Japanese hamburger steak – hambagu

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Japanese Hamburger Steak – Hambagu
Main Dish
6 servings
25 min

Japanese style hambuger patties, a classic dish for Japanese/Western fusion food !



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Preparation10 min
Cook time15 min
  • Japanese Hamburger Steak – Hambagu - Preparation step 1Chop the onions as small as possible. Heat oil in the skillet on medium high heat. Once hot, add onions and cook until softened and translucent. Remove from heat and let cool.
  • Japanese Hamburger Steak – Hambagu - Preparation step 2Combine the remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Once onions are cool, add to the bowl and mix ingredients well. I recommend mixing the ingredients by hand, but if you prefer you can use a spoon.

    Once mixed, divide into 6 balls and shape into patties. While you’re shaping them, toss them from one hand to the other a couple of times. They will make a slapping sound, which is good. Doing this helps the meat hold together so you don’t have them completely fall apart in the pan!
  • Japanese Hamburger Steak – Hambagu - Preparation step 3Heat skillet on medium high heat. Once hot, place patties in the pan. My pan is only big enough to comfortably cook two at one time, so I cook my hambagu in batches. Cook for 4-5 minutes, until the bottom side is nice and brown.
  • Japanese Hamburger Steak – Hambagu - Preparation step 4Flip the patties over, and they should be crisp and brown, which is where all the flavor is!
  • Japanese Hamburger Steak – Hambagu - Preparation step 5Cover the patties with a tight fitting lid, and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

    Once cooked, transfer to a plate and top with tonkatsu sauce and cheese.


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