Thermomix 'fried' rice

Thermomix 'Fried' Rice
Main Dish
6 servings
Very Easy
1 h 5 m

This is a very easy, quick and healthy way to make a big batch of fried rice! It easily feeds our family of six, with leftovers. The rice, veges and egg are actually steamed - no oil is needed.



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Preparation45 min
Cook time20 min
  • Place rice basket into Thermomix bowl, and weigh in,Remove basket, and tip into bowl
  • Rinse rice under tap, then place basket back in bowl. Fasten lid onto bowl, place Varoma on top, and start cooking - Varoma temperature, 20 mins (white) or 35 mins (brown), speed 4.
  • While rice begins cooking, chop up meat and/or veges, placing it into the Varoma as you go.
  • Place the cubed meat in the bottom of the Varoma in a single layer, then top with the veges:
    - 100g - 200g of cubed chicken or fish (you can marinate it for a little while first in some soy sauce, curry powder, garlic, ginger, and honey, or whatever marinade you prefer)
  • Line the top Varoma tray with a piece of wet baking paper, and pour in:
    - 4 to 5 eggs, whisked
    Replace lid, and leave to steam. (Only takes about 5 minutes, so put on towards end of cooking time.)
  • Check meat, veges, egg and rice after 20 mins to make sure they're all cooked. (With basmati rice, it's generally cooked after about 16 minutes, but I just leave it for the full 20, and everything's usually done by then. With brown rice, just add the veges when there's only 20 minutes left to go and they should be done at the same time as the rice that way. Keep an eye on the egg so it doesn't overcook.)
  • Remove Varoma and rice basket, place Varoma lid underneath Varoma bowl, and stir the rice into the meat and veges. Slice the egg up in tray and tip into Varoma bowl with rice. Season with some tamari sauce / soy sauce / sweet chilli sauce and serve! Easy!

Q Quirky Cooking


Photos of members who cooked this recipe


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This is so yummy! Also so easy to make using a TM. I love my Thermomix and I love Jo's recipes!

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