Moroccan semolina bread - khobz dyal smida/pain de semoule

Preparation25 min
Cook time30 min
- Mix all dry ingredients. Mix water into dry ingredients slowly, holding back from using all the water if the dough will not need it. Begin to knead, and form into a ball. Let rest for 5 minutes. Knead dough for 8-10 minutes, or until the dough is soft, glossy and only slightly sticky. Let rest for 15 minutes. Form into a flat loaf, about 1 inch thick. Let rise, covered, for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Either use a fork to make holes lightly in top of loaf, or score with very sharp knife or lamé. Cook loaf for 10 minutes, turn and continue to cook until loaf is nicely browned and either reaches 205 degrees or is hollow when tapped. Let rest for at least 30 minutes.
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