"portuguese-olhao style" folar (folar = easter cake)

15 servings
1 h 25 m

A recipe of cake to the Portuguese way so tasty and easy to make but it is just enough to have a little time.



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Preparation45 min
Cook time40 min


The idea is the sugar in the layer will melt with the cinnamon making like a gooey honey consistency sugar and cinnamon syrup in between each layer of cake, the cake will be a bit like bread but sweetened by some of the sugar being absorbed in. This is really delicious, but remember be generous with the sugar as if you put little it will all get absorbed into the cake and no nice gooey syrup in between the layers, will still be good though. Also remember to take it out of the baking container while hot as if you let it cool the caramelized goo will solidify making it hard to remove from these.


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