Serbian stuffed peppers - punjene paprike
- Please also note that the recipe calls for sweet Hungarian paprika. This you can usually find at a specialty food store - it is important to not use regular paprika seasoning as it will severely alter the taste of the dish.
- To make the stuffing, dice the onion into small pieces and saute it until it turns a nice yellow color (about 10 minutes).
- Combine this onion with the ground beef and brown the meat until cooked through.
- Remove from the heat. At this point, add in the uncooked rice, vegeta, and 2 tablespoons of paprika. Salt and pepper to taste.
Photos of members who cooked this recipe
I appreciate the recipe that is great for stuffing peppers, but it’s missing the major part- tomato sauce. Also, those who are familiar with the dish know that peppers needs to be cored by removing the tops, but a novice may not know this. Back to the tomato sauce that is traditionally used for Serbian stuffed peppers. For 5 peppers I would cook around 1,5l (6 cups). You can use tomato in different forms-crushed, juice, paste, even pasta sauce, to make the sauce you need for this dish. I’ll recommend here about 5 tablespoons of tomato paste. First add 2 flat tablespoons of flower into oil on a light heat, then add 1,5l(6 cups) of hot water and cook until thickens up a bit, mixing slowly, then add tomato paste, 1,5 teaspoon of both sugar and salt, and as much sweet Hungarian pepper at the very end. Your stuffed peppers should already be done and snuggly arranged inside tallish casserole, with tops up. Pour the sauce in between and on top of the peppers- this uncooked rice has to be cooked in some liquid , right? Mind you, I boil my rice in Vegeta made broth and then mix with onion in the pan prior to stuffing peppers. I put stuffed peppers in tomato sauce in oven for an hour, covered first, then uncovered in the last 15 minutes , at 400C. It’s served with regular mashed potato. Enjoy!