Southern Tagalog Style Goto (Ox Jowl or Cheek Soup)

If sumo wrestlers have their ?chanko-nabe? meals to develop the strength for a husky and fiercely fight, we in Kulinarya tried hard to come out with special food for lovers to be ready for a lovely and cuddly fight. That while some political activists are giving free condoms in the streets of Manila (Philippines) for safety reasons, foodie members of Kulinarya around the world are busy concocting food formulas for sultry reasons ??? for enhancing the desire ??? for stimulating ones drive ??? through meals which are not only intended to be attractive and tasty ??? but also provocative and kinky. :-)
This blog is not actually new to such a recipe. For more than a year, my most popular and thus most visited post is Soup Number 5. Could you believe that? It is regarded as the ultimate aphrodisiac Filipino food. Myth or truth is something not important for those who love the dish. Be it simply for the taste or secretly for the potent love potion, Soup No. 5 continues to draw patron. Be it for the comforting effect or the stimulating upshot, more and more Filipinos are eating the famed soup. As a follow up for that dish and as my entrée to the Kulinarya challenge, I am glad to feature the Southern Tagalog Style Goto, an invigorating soup made from ox jowl or cheek called ?mascara ng baka?.
So for the purist ?goto? enthusiasts, pardon me for this is just a modified or sanitized version intended to cater not only for male dinners but also for ladies and kids. I, too, am of course very biased to the ?goto? bearing the authentic entrails ingredients and probably will make a post of that in the future.
For this preparation, I and my cousin purchased about 1.5 kilograms (3.3 lbs) of ox jowl and skin and about ¾ kilograms of beef specially added to assure us of a really beefy and tasty soup.
Used for many centuries to cure almost everything from the common cold to more serious ailments, the ?heat? in garlic is said to also increase sexual desires. Ginger is a known stimulant to the circulatory system and proper circulation of the blood is a privy to strong sexual drive. Onions were prescribed by doctors in the early 16th century to help with infertility in women and to erections for men. In India, some sects do not eat onion due to its alleged aphrodisiac properties.
Oysters have long been thought to be an aphrodisiac food. The prized food item is full of zinc and therefore there might be scientific truth to the oyster myth. As we know, zinc controls progesterone levels, which have a positive effect on the libido. Since zinc deficiency can cause impotence in men, any food rich in zinc can be considered as an aphrodisiac and oysters happen to be fully loaded with the said mineral.
The other ingredients as prepared are: 2 pcs thumb-sized ginger, peeled and sliced, 1 head garlic, peeled and crushed, 4 pcs onions, peeled and chopped, 2 pcs fresh garlic leaves (or leeks), sliced, ¾ cup oyster sauce, 1 tsp freshly ground pepper, salt to taste and lots of beef broth.
Reel and Grill